먼저 공식 github page에 ros branch로 git clone 하고 하위 모듈까지 같이 받을 수 있도록 clone 진행 후 build
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cd ./src/
$ git clone --recursive --branch ros https://github.com/LORD-MicroStrain/microstrain_inertial.git
$ cd ..
$ catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash
다음 launch file을 실행하면 IMU data를 쉽게 취득할 수 있음 !!
$ roslaunch microstrain_inertial_driver microstrain.launch
[ERROR] Failed to configure PPS source
[ERROR] Error(3): Invalid Parameter
[Ref 1]
을 0
으로 set 해주어야 함
# [Before]
filter_pps_source : 1
# [After]
filter_pps_source : 0
[ERROR] Failed to read configuration for node
[ERROR] Unable to configure node base
[Ref 2]
를 1
으로 set 해주어야 함
# [Before]
filter_declination_source : 2
# [After]
filter_declination_source : 1
(1) /gps_corr (microstrain_inertial_msgs/GPSCorrelationTimestampStamped)
→ IMU GPS correlation timestamp
(2) /imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
→ Raw IMU data
(3) /nav/filtered_imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
→ Provides filtered IMU data based on the output of the EKF running on the device
(4) /nav/heading (microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterHeading)
→ Provides the heading based on the output of the EKF running on the device
(5) /nav/odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
→ Provides odometry based on the output of the EKF running on the device
(6) /nav/status (microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterStatus)
→ Provides status of Extended Kalman Filter running on the device