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  • Test Pair
    Image 1 Image 2

1. Dependencies

  • OpenCV 3.2.0, OpenCV Contrib 3.2.0, C++ 11 version

2. Methodology to apply feature matching

3. Build and Run

Clone the repository and build and run simultaneously:

   $ cd ${workspace}
   $ git clone https://github.com/SungJaeShin/Parallax.git
   $ cd Parallax
   $ sh compile_parallax_code.sh

4. Results (EuRoC dataset)

  • [BEST CASE] Best Results btw “cand_1_3” and “cand_1_25
      ["cand_1_3" and "cand_1_25"]
      max dx: 12.2113, max dy: 108.67, max dist: 109.316
      avg dx: 11.7414, avg dy: 106.379, avg_dist: 107.026
      before filtering correspondence pair: 41
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 37
      after filtering correspondence pair: 13
      ["cand_1_25" and "cand_1_3"]
      max dx: 12.2113, max dy: 102.987, max dist: 103.708
      avg dx: 10.9453, avg dy: 100.462, avg_dist: 101.058
      before filtering correspondence pair: 32
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 17
      after filtering correspondence pair: 14
    • Results “cand_1_3” and “cand_1_25” using SIFT + DAISY

    • Results “cand_1_25” and “cand_1_3” using SIFT + DAISY

  • [SIFT & SURF CASE] Parallax Results btw “cand_1_3” and “cand_1_35
      [Before Filtering]
      max dx: 53.6179, max dy: 27.4187, max dist: 305.486
      avg dx: 16.4145, avg dy: 10.3494, avg dist: 27.3653
      [After Filtering]
      max dx: 24.8738, max dy: 20.0451, max dist: 24.9846
      avg dx: 15.0051, avg dy: 16.2881, avg_dist: 22.3998
      before filtering correspondence pair: 69
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 69
      after filtering correspondence pair: 63
    • Original Method using Feature Matching

    • Filtered using optical flow method

    • Filtered using parallax method

    • Failure case using parallax method

  • [ORB & SURF CASE] Parallax Results btw “cand_1_3” and “cand_1_35
      [Before Filtering]
      max dx: 54.5472, max dy: 336.038, max dist: 340.437
      avg dx: 15.6673, avg dy: 18.3601, avg dist: 24.8476
      [After Filtering]
      max dx: 18.72, max dy: 21, max dist: 25.2389
      avg dx: 14.2445, avg dy: 17.2931, avg_dist: 22.4969
      before filtering correspondence pair: 215
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 211
      after filtering correspondence pair: 203
    • Original Method using Feature Matching

    • Filtered using optical flow method

    • Filtered using parallax method

  • [Solve Failure CASE] Using DAISY btw “cand_1_3” and “cand_1_35
      [GFTT + SURF CASE]
      max dx: 0, max dy: 0, max dist: 0
      avg dx: -nan, avg dy: -nan, avg_dist: -nan
      before filtering correspondence pair: 11
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 11
      after filtering correspondence pair: 11
      max dx: 20, max dy: 21, max dist: 25.807
      avg dx: 14.7667, avg dy: 16.1333, avg_dist: 21.9977
      before filtering correspondence pair: 36
      optical flow corresponedence pair: 36
      after filtering correspondence pair: 34
    • [GFTT + SURF CASE] Final Results

    • [GFTT + DAISY CASE] Final Results
