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Send and receive messages between client and server using ROS Action !!

Base Algorithm

Basic Concept


  • Form: Class & Multi thread
  • Node: Client, Server
  • Subscribe: Two Images of Realsense Camera
  • Publish: Panorama Image
  • Action:
    • Client: To give two images that have sensor_msgs::Image type and Index for Server
    • Server: To give Panorama image for Client using two images from Client

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Ubuntu and ROS

Ubuntu 64-bit 18.04. ROS Melodic. ROS Installation

1.2. Action

Follow Actionlib
Follow Action tutorials.

1.3 OpenCV Installation

Follow OpenCV

  • Install appropriate OpenCV version: Here.

1.4 Intel RealSense ROS package and SDK

Follow realsense-ros

2. Build Action_tutorial

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    $ git clone https://github.com/SungJaeShin/Action_tutorial.git
    $ cd ../
    $ catkin build
    $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash    

3. Run two cameras and action

Open three terminals, run multi camera, client node, and server node respectively.

    $ roslaunch Action_tutorial multi_cam.launch
    $ rosrun Action_tutorial client 
    $ rosrun Action_tutorial server 
    $ (option) rqt_image_view 

4. Save panorama image in your PC

Change three variables “save_pano_dir” in makePanoramaImage function of server node !!
